Friday, April 3, 2020

The Importance of Spectator Definition Chemistry in Football

The Importance of Spectator Definition Chemistry in FootballI'm here to help you understand the importance of spectator definition in football. I know you are a little wary of reading a technical book on football tactics, so let me offer you a bit of an introduction to the subject.The term spectator actually originates from the common term for spectators at a sporting event, the spectators. It is believed that in the ancient world (and possibly elsewhere) a 'spectator' was someone who watched another person to play a game.Spectator definition is a term you may use to describe people who watch a sporting event with an interest in the outcome, or the activity of the participants, without trying to make a decision on their own. Often the events being watched, such as the outcome of a race or the skill of a footballer, are not directly visible to the spectator. The spectator is thus watching and analyzing the game based on their interpretation of the action and the players.Of course this type of spectator analysis is more than just the expression of public opinion. In football as in life the spectator defines the outcome. Whether you are in a stadium or on television the spectator is always going to have their own view, and it is from that observer's analysis that decisions are made.Knowing this, what can you do to improve your awareness and understand of the facts? Let's face it, football tactics require a lot of knowledge, often a mixture of knowledge gained from watching games and sometimes formative knowledge derived from other sources. If you want to have more knowledge of a specific team or a player then there are courses that will give you that knowledge.If you would like to develop your own knowledge, there are courses which will teach you what you need to know, but how do you know which ones to take. Do some research, ask friends and family about the courses they took and about what they thought of them. They may be willing to tell you some interesting sto ries about what was taught and how it affected their lives.With football in particular, it can be very difficult to gain knowledge from scratch. However, by taking up spectator definition chemistry you can ensure that you are improving your knowledge and understanding of football, and that is very important if you are to enjoy your game and be successful.

Monday, March 23, 2020

How Hard Is It to Learn Japanese for English Speakers

How Hard Is It to Learn Japanese for English Speakers Is Japanese Hard to Learn? Chapters How to Speak Japanese Fluently Should You Take a JLPT Exam? Learn Japanese: It Isn’t More Difficult Than Any Other Language 5 Tips for Learning Japanese So What is the Best Way to Learn Japanese for English Speakers?The writing systems in Japanese are often seen as insurmountable challenge to chose who speak English or use the Latin Alphabet. However, that’s far from the truth. There are plenty of English speakers who’ve learned to speak Japanese.If you want to learn a new language, it will always be a challenge. It doesn't matter if it is a European language such as French, Spanish, or Portuguese, or a language that doesn't use the Latin alphabet, such as Arabic, Korean, Mandarin Chinese, or Japanese.As often happens, people see the artistic nature of the Chinese characters used in Japanese kanji and they have no idea where to start. After all there is no way of deciphering a sentence in Japanese if you have no prior experience of the language.But if you dedicate your self to learning the language you will reap the rewards in the long run.With Japanese being in the top 10 most spoken languages, the advantages of being able to communicate in this language will open many doors.But is it really harder to learn than any other foreign language? Let's find out...But your language learning will need to go beyond just studying Japanese grammar. In order to speak to Japanese people in their native language you will also need to learn about Japanese culture, too. But don't worry, whilst studying Japanese, you will learn about the culture, and vice-versa.Take a Japanese tutor to help you. Should You Take a JLPT Exam?The JLPT (Japanese-Language Proficiency Test) is the official exam for establishing your level in Japanese. There are two qualifications:JLPT 1: The highest of the two levels.JLPT 2.There are many people who say that passing the JLPT 1 means that you’re fluent. However, no qualification is perfect.  The JLPT is a listening and reading exam. At no point do you actually have to speak Japanese. You can pass the exam just by listening, understanding, and reading, but as you probably know, speaking is one of the most demanding parts of learning a language, and this test doesn't test your Japanese pronunciation skills.Passing a test to prove your level can do wonders for your career. (Source: are certain jobs that require you have the JLPT 1 or 2. However, that might not be enough. If you end up getting a telephone interview, you’ll have to be able to speak as well as ask and answer questions. At this point, the JLPT won’t help you. NanaJapanese Teacher 5.00 (3) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors YukoJapanese Teacher 5.00 (3) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors EllyJapanese Teacher 5.00 (1) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MomokoJapanese Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MelanieJapanese Teacher £14/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JamesJapa nese Teacher 5.00 (5) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors PippaJapanese Teacher £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MarikoJapanese Teacher £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Learn Japanese: It Isn’t More Difficult Than Any Other LanguageWhere does the idea that Japanese is difficult come from?  Learning Japanese is probably easier than you think. While people often say that the most difficult languages to learn are those that don't use the Latin alphabet, this only affects the reading and writing aspects. Speaking is no more difficult than any other language, and speaking Japanese can be really easy if you know where to begin.A lot of people say that English is really difficult to learn, after all. It really depends on your point of view. While the Latin alphabet might seem simpler, English can be much harder to read because how words are pronounced has no relation to the letters written on the page.At the end of the day all languages are a mixture of verbs, nouns, adjectives, tenses, but to name a few. This means they all have the same ingredients, it is just the way that they are used which differs.Although you can learn Japanese independently, it would be helpful to have someone to whom you can ask questions if you do get stuck.But if you do everything right, there is no reason learning Japanese should be harder or easier than most other languages. If you want to learn Chinese, it is also considered difficult due to all the characters used in its writing system which Japan has borrowed for its kanji. On the other hand, while Chinese grammar can be quite simple, there are 4 different tones you have to learn.What about Japanese, then? It’s a difficult language to read and write. As we said, learning kanji is no walk in the park. However, learning how to speak Japanese can be much simpler than learning to speak English.Children learn to speak long before they learn to write. (Source: by learning to speak Ja panese. In addition to being far more rewarding, it’s a great way to get yourself motivated before you start learning to write it. It’s pretty sound logic. Everyone learns to speak before they learn to write, after all. It would be weird to see a Japanese person who could read and write perfectly in English but not speak a word, wouldn’t it? It’d be almost impossible for them to find a job. There’s no reason you should do the same. 5 Tips for Learning JapaneseThere is plenty of advice for learning Japanese on the internet. In order to overcome the perceived difficulty of Japanese, make the most of this advice as it is designed to help you succeed. Here are a few things to bear in mind:Be motivated: when it comes to learning a language, motivation is one of the most important factors. Why do you want to learn Japanese? Do you want to travel to Japan? Work in Kyoto? Wow your friends? Whatever your reasons for learning Japanese, they need to be enough to ensure that you remai n motivated in the long term. You can’t learn a second language in just a few weeks or without a lot of hard work and consistency. If you don’t have the time to put in the effort, you may as well not even start.Expose yourself to as much of the language as possible:  With anime, manga, video games, and J-pop, you’re spoiled for choice in terms of Japanese-language media. Even if you don’t understand at the start, listening is the cornerstone of learning a language.  Exposure to a Japanese language environment will help your ear get used to the sounds, tones, pronunciation, and the syntax used in everyday Japanese sentences (think of a japanese language course london). In linguistics, this is known as the input. This is the stage of learning where we store information. The more you input, the easier it is to move on to the output stage. This is when you start saying everything you’ve assimilated.Find a Japanese mentor: Ideally, you should be looking for a Japanese native sp eaker to practice with who can help you speak as much Japanese as possible. Of course, you could still hang out with a non-native speaker. They can help you to practice regularly, learn about Japanese etiquette, and correct your pronunciation. Finding a Japanese teacher is also a good idea as they can help you how to learn the more complicated stuff.Speak, speak, and speak: The output stage is an essential part of learning a language. No matter what language you’re learning, listening and reading isn’t enough, you have to talk! Even if you make mistakes, it doesn’t matter. It’s better than just repeating an expression in your head and never saying it because you’re scared of making a mistake. If you never speak, who’ll correct your mistakes? You can’t expect to become perfectly bilingual without ever daring to speak. Making mistakes and forgetting words is an integral part of learning a language that you can’t skip.Learn the kana: kana (both hiragana and katakana) ar e part of the Japanese writing, and are essential for even basic Japanese. If you want to move onto writing in Japanese, you’ll have to at least learn these systems by heart. You can’t study Japanese writing without this step. So What is the Best Way to Learn Japanese for English Speakers?Undoubtedly the best way to learn is with a native speaker. And if you move to a Japanese speaking environment, you will learn faster.As a new learner, there are a number of books to learn Japanese, and you might even be tempted to take an online Japanese course. But with these options you are unlikely to experience the accent, not to mention having no support if you run into difficulties.For a long time, Japanese was thought to be an isolated language with no other languages related to it, until a relationship to Ryukyuan languages was established. However, since it has no relation to English, it can make it harder to read and write than European languages. But different languages have differe nt challenges, and this particular one doesn't make Japanese any harder or easier to learn than other languages.Find yourself a Japanese mentor in order to learn about Japanese culture. (Source: that said, it’s probably a good idea to take Japanese lessons when you first start.If you want to start speaking right from the get-go, you should look for a Japanese course or teacher who’s happy to do that. There are plenty of teachers who are happy to focus on speaking.Do you remember your languages classes from school? Can you still “speak” that language? Most people will probably say “no” because the classes focused on passing tests by reading and writing.In short:Just because writing Japanese is difficult, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t learn it. Speaking Japanese can be a lot easier than several other languages.It’s no harder for a native English speaker to learn than any other language, really. Japanese can be really easy to pronounce becaus e there are so few vowels and a lot fewer than there are in English.It’s not really necessary to take the JLPT since there aren't many people will ask for it and it doesn’t test speaking, which is probably one of the most important aspects when it comes to working in any given language.With a lot of hard work, you can learn to speak Japanese. Start by trying to memorize a few Japanese words and phrases in order to build your confidence.

Friday, March 6, 2020

The Life Cycle of a Star.

The Life Cycle of a Star. From a Dust Cloud to a Black Hole, Here’s What You Need to Know about a Star’s Life Cycle. ChaptersWhat is a Star?How is a Star Formed?What are the Stages in the Life of a Star?What Happens Next? It Depends on the Size of the Star.Look up into the sky. That thing shining there â€" or ‘burning ferociously’ as might be a better description â€" has been doing its thing for four and a half billion years. Throughout the course of human history, it’s been there the whole time, burning away and giving life to our planet.4.6 billion years. That’s a number that we can hardly even imagine. Yet, scientists reckon that our Sun is about halfway through its lifecycle.Give it another four billion years and it will, like all stars do, ultimately ‘die’ â€" changing from a main sequence star into a supernova or into what is known as a planetary nebula. We ain’t gonna be alive to see any of this happen â€" and, by we, we mean planet earth.Here, we’re going to be talking about the life of a star. We’re going to be talking about the forces that bring it together and that forc e it ultimately apart. And we’re going to be talking about the things that help it keep its shape and size for the unimaginably long time that occurs in between.We’ll be talking about those things with which you’ve probably heard in passing: the red giant, neutron stars, black holes â€" and white dwarfs and supernovas.All of these things make up phases in the life of a star. But let’s take a closer look.In the meantime, find out everything about astronomy, and the differences between astronomy, astrophysics, and cosmology. The sun is the centre of our solar system - not the Earth PetarPhysics Teacher 5.00 (11) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MyriamPhysics Teacher 5.00 (13) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Dr parikhPhysics Teacher 5.00 (8) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RubenPhysics Teacher 5.00 (1) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors FrankPhysics Teacher 5.00 (8) £90/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JidePhysics Teacher 4.80 (5) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors DorothyPhysics Teacher 5.00 (5) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RahulPhysics Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsWhat is a Star?Now we’re all quite familiar with the Sun â€" from a distance at least. And, unless you live in the biggest of cities and have never looked up, it is pretty likely that you will have seen some stars in your life too.But do you know what a star actually is? Apart from the fact that it ‘twinkles’ and is in ‘the sky’.A star is a massive object in space, held together by gravitational forces, that is distinguished from a planet by its luminosity â€" or the fact that it produces light.That’s the short answer. Now to the long answer.A star is a ball of plasma and gas that radiates energy in the form of heat and light. This radiation is due to the thermonuclear fusion of hydrogen into helium that occurs at its core.All this wouldn’t happen if stars weren’t so big. But, under the force of gravity, and under all sorts of other molecular forces, atoms are smashed together, and new elements are formed. All of this releases energy. This process, which we call nuclear fusion, is, incidentally, something we hope to replicate on Earth â€" because of the sheer amount of energy that it produces.But no, stars aren’t really ‘burning’ or ‘on fire’ or any of these words we use to describe them. Rather, the processes that are happening mean that the sun is much hotter and much more en ergetic than any fire we’ve ever seen.Learn more about our solar system!How is a Star Formed?But why does all this happen? One of the most amazing things about our universe is that there is anything at all in it. As the philosopher Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz once asked, how come there is something rather than nothing? This question is a little relevant when it comes to thinking that stars produce the very conditions that support life.Nebulae.Imagine an empty, desperately cold space filled with dust and gases that are the debris of old planets and stars. Star formation begins when, in this intense cold, all of this interstellar dust and gas slowly starts to clump together. Gases reach higher densities in the cold, whilst the atoms bind together.This is the first step in the life cycle of stars: the planetary nebulae, these molecular clouds that drift across the universe.As soon as higher densities are reached, the gravitational forces get stronger, meaning that all of the gases and particles in the nebula slowly start coming together. These great big molecular clouds then start collapsing and, as they start moving in on each other, the heat increases.With all this stuff clumping together, the core becomes what will later be the star â€" or often even two or three stars known as star clusters. Meanwhile, different parts of the cloud might become planets or might just stay as dust â€" as in our solar system.(All of this, by the way, takes about ten million years. As a comparison, humans have been about for only two hundred thousand years.)Learn about some of the major astronomical discoveries. Nebulae are some of the most beautiful things in the universe.What are the Stages in the Life of a Star?So far we have seen how stars are created â€" from the big messy clouds of dust and gas in the universe. But what these nebulae create are hardly even stars just yet. Rather, they are protostars, which are the very beginning of the star life cycle.Protostars.After the initial phase as a nebula, the start of stellar evolution is in the protostar. This is when the star is essentially still growing â€" when it is still gathering dust and material from the cloud that formed it.The protostar begins with only one percent of the mass of its future self. But, with all of the mass that is ‘infalling’ due to the core’s gravity, it builds up relatively quickly.Only when thermonuclear fusion begins at the core does the star stop being a protostar and becomes instead a main sequence star. At this point the star’s mass is stable â€" as it produces a ‘stellar wind’ that prevents the i nfall of further mass.Brown Dwarfs.If protostars don’t become big enough, however â€" and by that we mean about eight percent of the size of the sun â€" they never really become stars at all. Instead, they become brown dwarfs, sort of failed stars in which thermonuclear fusion does not take place.Find and take classes with a maths physics tutor here.What Happens Next? It Depends on the Size of the Star.After the protostar stage, the nature and processes of a star’s life cycle depends on the particular star’s mass. And so we’ll split this here into two separate streams.There are those stars that have roughly the mass of the Sun â€" the sun being fairly ‘normal’-sized as far as stars go. Then there are those that are much bigger. The bigger stars are, the quicker they burn. So, whilst Sun-sized stars remain as main sequence stars for about ten billion years, a massive star would live less long.Even so, about ninety percent of a star’s life is as a main sequence star â€" in which it will casually fuse hydrogen into helium. When the hydrogen in its core runs out, the core will begin to collapse and will get much hotter.As the core increases in heat, it pushes the rest of the star outwards, meaning that the outer edges cool.Stars the Size of the Sun â€" Roughly.The most commonly sized stars are stars the size of the Sun. After about ten billion years, once they have run out of hydrogen, they slowly become white dwarfs.White Dwarfs.White dwarfs are cool little things that have perplexed scientists despite their commonness. Imagine the mass of the sun all in the space of the earth and you’ve got yourself a white dwarf. And bizarrely, they are denser the smaller they are â€" meaning the bigger stars would form the smallest white dwarfs.They are hugely dense things that keep themselves from collapsing further due to the activity of electrons. However, with no way of producing energy, there is nothing really that keeps them together. So, gradually coolin g, they just tend to fade away.Massive Stars.Massive stars have a different end in store for them.If a star is about eight times bigger than the sun, you can expect it to end in a massive explosion known as a supernova.Remember that the bigger the star the quicker they burn through hydrogen. And when they have run out of hydrogen, they produce iron as the result of a long series of chemical reactions. When that happens, the core collapses in a matter of seconds from five thousand miles across to just twelve.Temperatures reach a hundred billion degrees and the supernova becomes brighter than a whole galaxy. This is the first picture ever taken of a black hole.What is a Black Hole?Particularly dense stars produce one of the most fascinating phenomena in the universe when they die. These are black holes.Rather than exploding outwards, these stars implode, collapsing into themselves to form an object so dense that nothing â€" not even light â€" can escape it.These things pull everything around them into themselves â€" whilst emitting huge amounts of radiation.Is there life in the universe?

Thursday, March 5, 2020

What is it Like to Attend Vassar College

What is it Like to Attend Vassar College The tutors behind Varsity Tutors are not just here to teach theyre sharing their college experiences as well. Logan is a New York City tutor specializing in SAT prep tutoring, History tutoring, Algebra tutoring, and more. He graduated from Vassar College in 2012 with a Bachelors degree in Political Science. See what he had to say about his undergraduate years: VT: Describe the campus setting and transportation options.How urban or safe is the campus?Are there buses or do you need a car/bike? Logan: Vassar is located in Poughkeepsie, which is a medium-sized town in Dutchess County, NY, about an hour and a half north of the city. The campus is both beautiful and safe, and most of the students stay on it year-round. For those who do like to venture off campus, there are many reasonably priced, high quality restaurants within walking distance, and the surrounding area is safe and well lit. In terms of transportation, the only potential challenge is getting from campus to the Poughkeepsie train station (and vice versa). I was lucky enough to have a car and live within driving distance, so I am not completely familiar with the methods used to make that particular trip. From what I gathered, a lot of people used the taxi service, which Ive heard was fairly reliable. VT:How available are the professors, academic advisers, and teaching assistants? Logan: All of the professors I had were readily accessible outside of the classroom and very responsive to emails. Most of my classes were small enough (25 students at the very most) that I could typically converse directly with the professor, rather than a teaching assistant. The one teaching assistant I had taught a language class, and he was friendly and easy to communicate with. With regard to advisers, you will have one adviser when you enter as a freshman, and then you will switch to someone in your department when you declare a major. I actually changed majors my junior year, so I had three advisers at various points throughout my stay at Vassar. All three were responsive, knowledgeable about the graduation requirements, and accommodating to my needs and preferences. VT: How would you describe the dorm life rooms, dining options, location, socialization opportunities with other students? Logan: I lived in one dorm (Cushing) my first two years, and in town houses my last two years. Cushing was a bit removed from the area which contained the four major dorms (Lathrop, Raymond, Josselyn, and Strong). While this separation did make it a bit less convenient to hang out in the residential quad, it did foster a sense of community within the dorm itself. I remained good friends with some of the people I knew from my earliest days at Vassar. The terrace apartments and town houses are where most people go when they become upperclassmen, with more moving into the latter. A typical TA or TH consists of 4-5 people who were friends and signed up to live with each other. My experience, however, was a bit different my first year living in a town house. I chose to take an opening in a TH with four people who I did not know at all. They were very friendly and welcoming, and they included me when they hung out with their broader group of friends. It was a great experience, and I still hang out with some of the people in this broader group who live near me today. My final year on campus was a bit more traditional. I moved into another town house, this time with people who I knew beforehand. Again, I had a very pleasant experience. One of the people with whom I lived was a tremendous cook, and would guide us in creating house meals which we enjoyed multiple times a week. Living with these people deepened my friendships with them, and I am tremendously thankful for the opportunity I had to do so. In general, if you live with friendly, responsible people (of which there are many at Vassar), your upperclassman experiences will be great and memorable. VT: Which majors/programs are best represented and supported?What did you study and why? Did the university do a good job supporting your particular area of study? Logan: Vassar is traditionally known as a more humanities focused Liberal Arts school, though its Science and Math programs are strong as well. I actually began as a Math major before switching to Political Science my junior year, so I have had both an atypical Vassar experience, and a more standard one. Both of these areas were well supported, and the teachers I had were tremendously knowledgeable and uniquely witty and humorous. I actually switched away from math after taking Modern Algebra (group theory) because it was too difficult and involved. That program will provide a challenging and engaging curriculum for even the strongest math student. And the more traditional majors are as excellent as advertised. VT: How easy or difficult was it for you to meet people and make friends as a freshman? Does Greek life play a significant role in the campus social life? Logan: I transferred to Vassar after spending a semester somewhere else, so my freshman experience was atypical. I found it fairly easy to make friends, however, and I am not the most outgoing person. Because of the tremendous diversity in interests and backgrounds of the students there, it is not hard to find likeminded people, as well as people who are completely different from the ones you grew up with and who will broaden your social experience. There is no Greek life on campus, but there are plenty of social events. Some are of the all-campus variety, and are usually held annually/bi-annually at certain locations, while others are smaller functions geared toward specific student subcultures. In general though, it is a pretty inclusive campus, so if you are looking to socialize in a positive manner, there are ample opportunities for this. VT: How helpful is the Career Centerand other student support services?Do many reputable companies recruit on campus? Logan: This is the area about which I know the least. I decided to go to graduate school full-time immediately after college, so I did not get started on my professional career until I was a year and half removed from Vassar. VT: How are the various study areas such aslibraries, the student union, and dorm lounges? Are they over-crowded, easily available, spacious? Logan: The Vassar library is large and notably beautiful. There are plenty of areas for both private, quiet study, as well as for group projects and discussions. The dorms also have study rooms that are readily accessible. Because it is a relatively small college population, the study areas are rarely over-crowded. VT: Describe the surrounding town. What kinds of outside establishments / things to do are there that make it fun, boring, or somewhere in between?To what extent do students go to the downtown area of the city versus staying near campus? Logan: Again, Vassar is located in Poughkeepsie, New York, which is a reasonably safe, medium-sized town. There are many quality, affordable restaurants nearby, and there are a few bars throughout Poughkeepsie that are popular with the students (e.g. Billy Bobs, Mahoneys). In the broader Dutchess County area, there are a lot of historic sites such as the Vanderbilt Mansion, Franklin Roosevelts childhood home, the Beekman Arms (the oldest inn in the country), and others, which are all easy to get to if you have a car or know somebody with one. Vassar is close to other famous colleges and universities such as Bard, Marist, and the Culinary Institute of America. While students predominantly stay on campus, I have made day trips with my friends to all of these places, and have met some wonderful and interesting people doing so. VT: How big or small is the student body? Were you generally pleased or displeased with the typical class sizes? Logan: Vassar is a small school, totaling about 2,000-2,500 students. Because of this, and the fact that students primarily stayed on campus, there was a strong sense of community within the school. Most people there enjoyed this aspect of Vassar, however, I have heard some say that it creates a bit of a fishbowl feeling, where everyone knows everyone elses business. This does not fully describe my own experience, but there definitely is an element of that. VT: Describe one memorable experience with a professor and/or class. Perhaps one you loved the most or one youregretthe most. Logan: I once took a political science course taught by a very animated professor who would frequently make loud exclamations without warning. One day, after we began reading Friedrich Hayeks The Road to Serfdom, he made a comment about how peculiar it was that several Vassar alumni had gone on to become Republican politicians, despite the extremely liberal leanings of the faculty and student population there. The professor noted that one particular congressman, who he happened to have taught years earlier, was on television a few days prior lamenting the fact that conservative thinkers like Hayek were left out of most college curriculums. The professor then said, raising his decibel level every couple of words, So rememberif youre ever on TV, I TAUGHT HAYEK! I have had several much more mild-mannered professors, but that incident always stuck in my mind. Check out Logans tutoring profile. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.

How to Select a Vocal Duet (+26 Duet Song Ideas)

How to Select a Vocal Duet (+26 Duet Song Ideas) Shanika If youre new to singing, or if youre just trying to fine-tune your vocal skills, one fun and helpful exercise is to sing duet songs with your vocal instructor or a friend. Pick a style you both like and youll find that the possibilities for both fun and music making are endless! Why Are They Helpful to Sing? When you sing with piano, or with a chorus or band, theres often someone else playing the same line youre singing. While this is great for learning to sing in tune and working on the tone of your voice, youre not really stretching your listening skills. When you sing a duet there are just two lines; your part is all your responsibility and the only thing you have to find your notes from is the other persons line. What Are Some of the Best Duet Songs? If youre new to singing vocal duets, starting with some that you like and know well is the best way to learn. This way youll already have the tune in your ear and you probably have lots of recordings to listen to. Here is a list of some of the best duet songs from many different genres. From Broadway “Something Good” from The Sound of Music “All I Ask of You” from The Phantom of the Opera “A Little Drop of Rain” from Miss Saigon “A Boy Like That” from West Side Story “Till There Was You” from The Music Man “People Will Say Were In Love” from Oklahoma “The Rain In Spain” from My Fair Lady From Pop “Endless Love” sung by Diana Ross and Lionel Richie “Dont Go Breakin My Heart” sung by Elton John and KiKi Dee “Quando Quando Quando” sung by Nelly Furtado and Michael Buble “When You Believe” sung by Mariah Carey  and Whitney Houston “U Got the Look” sung by Prince and Sheena Easton “Under Pressure” sung by David Bowie and Freddie Mercury “Ill Be Missing You” sung by Puff Daddy and Faith Evans From Your Childhood “Beauty and the Beast” from Beauty and the Beast “A Whole New World” from Aladdin “One Song” from Snow White “The Bare Necessities” from The Jungle Book “One Song” from Snow White “Can You Feel the Love Tonigh”t from The Lion King “A Girl Worth FIghting For” from Mulan From the Movies “Come What May” from Moulin Rouge “Almost Paradise” from Footloose “Youre The One That I Want” from Grease “Up Where We Belong” from An Officer and a Gentleman “It Takes Two” from It Takes Two Games There are also fun games you can play with your duet partner that can improve your ear and singing abilities. One great idea is based in the jazz tradition; simply improvise! Pick one person to sing a solo and have the other harmonize. Youll find yourself quickly learning what sounds good and what doesnt work as well. If this seems too daunting, just pick a song from the best vocal duets listed above, make up your own verses, then play with the harmonies, and then  play around with the melodies. This is a great way to train your ear and your voice. Duets are a great way to have fun and improve your singing skills. Start with what you know and then branch out from there; youre sure to have a great time and even learn a thing or two! Photo by scion_cho Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher

How to Buy an Affordable Guitar thats Worth Playing.

How to Buy an Affordable Guitar thats Worth Playing. Choose a Cheap Guitar - That's Actually Good. ChaptersWhat Is an Inexpensive Guitar?How to Choose Your Type of Guitar?Choosing Your Guitar OnlineBuying a Guitar at Yard Sales.Go to a Secondhand Store.Buying a new instrument is not the priority of all guitar players and it is sometimes difficult to put money aside for such purchases.Whether it’s an acoustic guitar, an electric guitar, a folk guitar, an electro-acoustic guitar, a ukulele, a mandolin, a bass guitar, a gypsy jazz guitar, an acoustic bass, they're all going to cost a little. And add to this the necessary accessories - a gig bag, tuners, spare guitar strings, a guitar amplifier perhaps - and the prices can look overwhelming.Daily expenses quickly take priority and it’s difficult to keep the objective of making music in mind.However, has it been a while since you’ve been wanting to buy the latest Fender? Do you have your eye on a tasty dreadnought acoustic electric? Are you looking for guitar brands that are actually affordable?The price of guitars varies accordi ng to several criteria. Depending on whether you’re a beginner, intermediate, or experienced player, your expectations will differ. So sometimes you might find a way to buy a guitar that’s less expensive than you thought. They do exist, and you don't have to sacrifice playability, the quality of pickups or fretboard, to get a guitar that you like for a decent price.Depending on what you want and the way you buy it, you can find the guitar of your dreams that also works with your budget. Fender, Ibanez, Gibson, Telecaster, Stratocaster, Gibson Les Paul, Yamaha… There’s tons of choice! PeterGuitar Teacher £12/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors EdgarGuitar Teacher 5.00 (8) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors PaulGuitar Teacher 5.00 (12) £18/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors DanielGuitar Teacher 5.00 (3) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ToddGuitar Teacher 4.75 (4) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SamueleGuitar Teacher 5.00 (5) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors KurtGuitar Teacher 5.00 (3) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RyanGuitar Teacher £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsChoosing Your Guitar OnlineIn order to obtain the best price for a guitar, many musicians go to the Internet. In fact, numerous sites are popping up with prices lower than the competition.However, it’s important to be careful. Certain experiences testify to the existence of scams.Buyers have been tricked into thinking they were buying a Gibson on a site like eBay or Amazon. When they brought the guitar in for repairs, it turned out that it was in fact nothing but an Epiphone disguised as a Gibson in order to be sold at a higher price.And that anecdote is unfortunately not an isolated incident.Not being able to hold the guitar you want to buy in your hands is a real handicap in the buying process. It is important to be able to know the acoustics of the guitar, but also to know how it feels in ord er to see whether you’re comfortable with it.However, if you already know the model that you would like to buy, there are only a few verifications left to make.Find online guitar lessons.Choosing a guitar on the Internet demands particular caution.First of all, choose a good website. Do research on forums that you can find on the subject. It will then be easy to get an idea about such and such a website before you decide. Numerous unfortunate experiences will serve to alert you.Have you finally found a site that seems trustworthy?Take a look at the delivery method.Where is the guitar coming from? Will the package be protected? Is it trackable?Choose sites offering a guarantee on the guitar. It will be put you more at ease. In case of damages in transit or a manufacturing defect, it will be easier for you to be reimbursed. And above all don’t forget to read the terms and conditions. Yes, those tiny words written where no one sees them!If you are not sure about the model you have chosen, look at the numerous YouTube videos of musicians showing each type of guitar. There are many equipment tests done via video.You can also learn to tune your electric guitar online...Buying a Guitar at Yard Sales.When the end of summer comes and it’s time to start thinking about going back to school or work, yard sales often pop up on the weekends. An occasion to take advantage of the final rays of sun before the arrival of winter and its glacial cold.Perhaps the opportunity to finally buy yourself a guitar?Yard sales are like bargain hunts but better. Private individuals selling their goods, most often the things that they have not managed to sell on the Internet. So it’s a good time to take advantage of the low prices.And what’s better than trying to haggle for the most beautiful guitar on the street?However, be careful of the law of supply and demand. If a guitar seems like a really good deal, it’s possible that it will sell very quickly and that negotiations will b e more difficult than expected.Quickly identify the good deals.So try to arrive very early at these little amateur shops to discover the good deals before everyone else.Have you finally found the guitar you need?Now it’s time to try it. Since you are there in person, ask the owner if you can hold it  and maybe even strum a few chords. You will need to verify that the guitar does not have signs of any damage or cracks.Make sure to look at the handle. It should absolutely not be warped. That can happen if a guitar has remained without cords for too long. Without pressure exerted on the handle, it gently starts to slacken.Beyond its physical appearance, ask also about the history of the object. The owner should explain to you why he or she is selling it and whether the instrument has any defects.If everything seems alright to you, all you have to do then is give him or her your best smile and negotiate the price!You might even sing while you play, to show your appreciation at scoring this great deal!Go to a Secondhand Store.A final option is available if you would like to find a cheap guitar: stores selling secondhand guitars.The idea behind these stores is that each person can bring the objects they’d like to get rid of. The store buys them in cash and then resells them for double the price. In fact, music stores are losing popularity with clients in favor of these kinds of places.This system is more and more commonplace and many people utilize it in order to not have to bother with all the constraints of a site like Craigslist. Also, individuals can be sure of selling their instrument.And in this kind of store, it is very common to find entire shelves dedicated to musical instruments and their accessories. Guitars and pianos generally occupy the most space.But what are the advantages of buying your guitar in this kind of store?First, you will have the opportunity to speak with the vendors. They know the product because all the objects sold there are examine d before being put on the shelf.The seller can give you advice. Even if you are not speaking with a seller in a music store, the staff are generally positioned by the shelves that they are knowledgeable about.Take a look at guitar lessons london to up your game.Now discover how you too can learn to play the guitar one-handed...

Summer 2014 courses at AJ Tutoring

Summer 2014 courses at AJ Tutoring AJ Tutoring is excited to announce our lineup of summer courses for 2014!   Whether youre looking to move up a lane in a subject, get ready for a tough class next year, or explore a potential career interest, our tutors have a course for you.   Were happy to design a custom one-on-one summer academic tutoring program, or choose one of the programs listed.   We can also design academic tracks so you can dive in-depth into a specific field (i.e. pre-med) over the summer.Summer courses at AJ Tutoring include courses in study skills, English, history and international studies, mathematics, sciences, computer science, public speaking and debate, music theory and composition, and test prep.   Summer courses are offered at AJ Tutorings offices in Woodside, Menlo Park, Palo Alto, Los Altos, Saratoga, Los Gatos, and San Jose.   For more information or to sign up for a summer course, please call (650) 331-3251, or email   Were looking forward to working with you this summe r!

How to use So and Such in English (video and exercise)

How to use So and Such in English (video and exercise) Do you know when to use So and Such in English? We hear our English students confuse the two words often, because their meanings seem to be similar. The words are useful when used correctly. Look at this example:She speaks (so/such) quickly.She has (so/such) nice clothes.Watch the video below to get the correct answers to the questions above. Now try the exercises below. If you write your answers in comments, we will correct them.1. I get (so/such) many emails everyday that it takes me all day to answer them.2. Answering emails all day is (so/such) a boring thing to do.3. I talk to my brother on the phone (so/such) often that my bill is very high.4. But we have (so/such) good conversations.5. I drank (so/such) much beer that I danced on the bar top.6. It made me look like (so/such) an idiot.7. This has been (so/such) a long week!8. Why did this week seem (so/such) long?9. Because I was (so/such) sick, I couldnt do anything.10. Thats (so/such) a shame! karma 1 so2 such3 so4 such5 so6 such7such8 so9 so10 such LOIEnglish Very good!

Thanksgiving Day 2016

Thanksgiving Day 2016 Thanksgiving, one of my favorite holidays, is coming. And we all know what it means! Prepare your special thanksgiving pants! One of my friends says, I dont stop eating when Im full. I stop eating when I hate myself :) But, if to be serious dont forget to give thanks for all the good things in your life. Try to show some appreciation and express your deepest gratitude to your family and friends for providing never-ending encouragement and support. Thanksgiving Day celebration has a rich history with multiple views. If you want  to learn more about it, read our article Thanksgiving Day â€" Are You Ready For an Annual Food Coma?  or ask one  of our history tutors! Happy Thanksgiving Day! Thanksgiving Day 2016 Thanksgiving, one of my favorite holidays, is coming. And we all know what it means! Prepare your special thanksgiving pants! One of my friends says, I dont stop eating when Im full. I stop eating when I hate myself :) But, if to be serious dont forget to give thanks for all the good things in your life. Try to show some appreciation and express your deepest gratitude to your family and friends for providing never-ending encouragement and support. Thanksgiving Day celebration has a rich history with multiple views. If you want  to learn more about it, read our article Thanksgiving Day â€" Are You Ready For an Annual Food Coma?  or ask one  of our history tutors! Happy Thanksgiving Day!